Feeling Yourself Explode – My Take on Being “Mad as Hell”

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These days, we’re all mad as hell at the world.  There is too much going on, and we just can’t take it anymore.  We’re about to explode, if someone doesn’t give us a chance to vent, but now there is a new spin roaring across The O’Reilly Factor called the “Mad as Hell” segment.  And Mr. Bill O’Reilly is listening, and we’re venting, steamrolling away to release our angst.  But can we find comfort afterward in a world still consumed by such chaos for chaos still reigns, and we still find ourselves victim to the idiocracy that goes on today…

3. Wrong Maniacal Driver (WMD)

My mother was going in for heart surgery today.  The plan was to go to work early and leave early.  This way, I could be home and by the phone, awaiting the news of the surgery and her recovery.  I was halfway there, stopping at a bright yellow YIELD sign, and allowing the four cars in the oncoming traffic lane to either turn past me or continue straight.  And then, SLAM.  I found myself on the side of the road, wondering what the hell just happened, and then I saw the car behind me, realizing that this idiot just hit me.  And he asked if I was okay, but the real punch line was that it wasn’t even his car.  And when asked for identification and insurance, he merely blinked.  I doubt that he even tried the cops on his cell, but I did, realizing that we were in a no zone area.  Luckily, I got the license plate number, and I drove to the trooper barracks afterward to grab a copy of the civilian accident report.  All this because he had the need for speed, but he was just another wrong maniacal driver, a WMD.

2. Totally Negligent Thugs (TNT)

I used to like driving around town until I realized how many people were trying to kiss my ass or bumper.  If they weren’t brushing their lips against mine, they were dancing across the yellow double line, and sometimes, you would think that we were acting out a scene from the movie, ‘The Fast and The Furious.’  But no, that was Extreme P as his black truck peeled out of a small parking lot the minute that traffic light flashed green, and he spun around the turn with his metal wheelbarrow flying out of the back of his truck.  And I’m the poor schmuck in the turning lane that got nailed on the left-hand side of my car.  As I’m recovering from that idiocracy, a Good Samaritan runs out into the busy roadway to retrieve the metal wheelbarrow and then proceeds to call the driver back to the scene.  I park in that lot, examine my car, and then watch the nimrods return to retrieve the metal wheelbarrow and leave.  It wasn’t like I was just in a car accident, but I was astounded at their extreme audacity.  But I guess that they are really totally negligent thugs (TNT).

1. Nasty A-Holes (NA)

I love movies especially futuristic movies, the What Ifs of mankind.  What would be our downfall?  Our need for speed?  Our lack of intelligence?  We are our own worst enemy, and when we fall, we should not be surprised.  We’re already falling, if you take a good look at this world.  We’re on a meltdown, and mankind is extremely flawed.  And if you see a Good Samaritan, don’t take it for granted because we’re really out for ourselves, looking to better our own interests and do what we have to do to survive, and some people are just plain nasty a-holes, taking advantage of those that they believe they could manipulate.  But one mistake, and the game is over.  I caught you.  The moment you charged my credit card, the gig was up, and your lies and manipulation don’t cut it anymore.  The fact that you took advantage of a disabled individual, charging his account with a membership that he never signed up for, and then saving my credit card on file and putting it under his name was the last straw, and I’ve got your number now.  And we won’t do business with you ever again, so think on that as this world comes to a crashing end.  But they do say that cockroaches could even survive a Nuclear Armageddon.

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