On Reading ‘A Government of Wolves’

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govt better

Close your eyes.
Imagine you are George Winston.
It is 1984.
You are concerned about Big Brother watching you.
The technology of control scares you.
The clock is striking thirteen.

Now open your eyes.
You are Sitty Sin.
It is 2014.
You are concerned about Big Uncle controlling you.
The technology of control is real and pervasive.
The clock is striking thirty.

Read the papers.
Big Government is good.
Watch the news.
Big Government gives you stuff.

Tweet and blog to ecstasy.
Game to reality.
Ipod instantaneously.
To infinity.

Now turn it off.
Turn it all off.
What is really real?
What is missing?

Is political correctness correct?
Do the power elite dictate?
Does political party even matter?

Now close your eyes.
Imagine you are George Winston.
It is 2024.
What has happened?
Are you happy?
Are you free?

And how do you pray?


Charles Andrew Wood is a retired Air Force officer, an educator, writer, and photographer.  He has an MA in communication and in public administration, and is completing a doctorate in theology.  He lives with his family in Colorado.

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